AWS Storage Gateway:- On-Premises Storage Extension Solution

Hybrid Cloud Solution: Integrate On-premises file shares with Cloud storage solutions

Aniket B.
Clairvoyant Blog


Source: FasTraK

AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid cloud storage solution for on-premises storage and application which can seamlessly get extended with AWS Cloud storage.

Industries are struggling to maintain large data and their backups on on-premises storage which are usually costly, require large & expensive hardware, and expensive software licensing.

Scaling up on-premises resources incurs expensive liability (including appliance costs and licensing) and cumbersome maintenance. Especially the enterprises which has higher data retention policies and require cost amplification due to resource procurement and frequent maintenance cycles.

We are going to discuss the on-premises storage extension solution for on-premises storage with AWS File (S3) Storage gateway, which can be best suited to extend/increase the existing on-premises storage capacity with the backup solution for data retention requirement with simple and inexpensive cost solution.

AWS provides four different solutions for storage gateway which are:

1. S3 File Gateway
2. FSx File Gateway
3. Tape Gateway
4. Volume Gateway

AWS S3 file gateway is a simple and inexpensive solution for hybrid storage extension with authorization for the enterprises to securely maintain the enterprise data and its backup without procuring new storage devices and incurring high costs.


Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Gateway Activation
    Download the appropriate VM Image from the AWS Console considering the on-premises environment and host it on on-premises hardware/hypervisor.
P1:- Setting up SGW
P2:- Downloading ESXi Image

Note:- Always download latest image/template for VM

2. Installing & Configuring VM using ESXi OVF Template
Deploy OVF template on your on-premises VMware cluster using the VSphere client.
Attach 150GB volume to newly deployed vm which will be utilized as cache memory for storage gateway.

Note:- We can configure up to 64TB cache by attaching multiple 150GB volumes/drives to gateway vm.

Once VM is configured confirm the setup depicted in ref:-P2 above on the AWS Console and click “Next”.

3. Gateway Configuration
Connect the Gateway using the gateway vm IP

P3:- Connecting Gateway

Activate the Gateway

P4:- Activate Gateway

Configure Gateway; detect & attach cache volume, cloud watch log groups/alarm, and tags.

P5:- Configure Cache
P6:- Configure log group & Tags

4. Configuring Authorization (AD Configuration)
AWS Console → Select Storage Gateway → Actions → Edit SMB Settings → Active Directory Settings

P7:- Ad Configuration

5. Resource Creation

File share configuration:-
Create the file share by attaching the storage gateway, S3 bucket & AD configuration as below:-

P8:- File Share Configuration
P9:- AD Configuration for File Share

Copy the path from the File Share example command from AWS Console to access the storage gateway’s file share location from on-premises.

Example:- net use [WindowsDriveLetter]:\\10.x.x.x\sgw-tst

All Set!, Now good to go ahead and copy the data from your on-promises window’s shared drive to the Storage gateway.

Sample:- robocopy “Source path” “Destination path” /MT[:8] /CopyAll /MIR /TEE /R:10 /LOG:C:\temp\logfilename.log
Can be used with command switches like /CopyAll /MIR & /LOG.

I hope the above technical design & procedure will help determine a hybrid storage extension solution with authorization.

Thank You!

